Color Examples

Here is our example page with many of our favorite colors and a link to view more!  


Favorite Colors are listed below! Dont forget to check out our Gallery of bobbins and products.

Starlight blue

Starlight Blue

Blue grey with blue and lavender glitter.

Sparkly Purple

Sparkly Purple

Purple with purple glitter



Shiny Gold/ Bronze

Green Purple Bronze Tri color

Green Purple Bronze Tri color

Color shifts between bronze, purple and green at random often pooling in sections



Teal Blue with sparkles turning green in different light.

Red Green Shift

Red Green Shift

Red and Green printed as a single strand, shifting between red and green depending on the angle of the light.

Rose to pink Shift

Rose to gold shift

Rose to gold shift



Black Magic

Black Magic

Barbie Pink

Barbie Pink

Blue to Yellow shift

Blue to yellow shift

Color shows vibrant green with hints of the blue and yellow

Ice Gradient

Ice Gradient

Tri Color Rainbow

Tri Color Rainbow

Purple, Blue Gold. Colors shift at will.

Button label

Glow In the dark Rainbow

Glow In the dark Rainbow

Black Magic

Black Magic